Learn to Pray Every Psalm

The Woven Psalms is a reflective, unhurried, and practical podcast about praying every psalm in the Bible. Join Pastor Mike Solis as he guides you through the rich tapestry of these ancient texts, helping you to experience their wisdom and weave them into your life.

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The Psalms
The Psalms

“All theologians and leaders of the church have believed that the Psalms should be used and reused in every Christian’s daily private approach to God and in public worship. We are not simply to read psalms; we are to be immersed in them so that they profoundly shape how we relate to God. The Psalms are the divinely ordained way to learn devotion to our God.”

Timothy Keller, The Songs of Jesus

The Podcast
The Podcast

The goal of this podcast is to teach you how to pray the Psalms. Each episode will be about 15-20 minutes long — brief enough that you could listen during your commute or a morning run but also long enough to give you a moment of pause, reflection, and rest in the midst of your day.

The Name
The Name

The name “Woven Psalms” was inspired by Psalm 139:15, in which David praises God for weaving human beings like an artisan makes an intricate tapestry. People are complex, beautiful, and broken works of art, and because the Psalms speak to every human situation and need, they are meant to be woven into our lives. The Psalms are a guide to teach us how to live and pray in a relationship with God.

The Music
The Music

We have been blessed to partner with Poor Bishop Hooper (the musical duo of Jesse and Leah Roberts). Starting at Psalm 1 and ending at Psalm 150, Poor Bishop Hooper released a simple, meditative song each week for nearly three years and called it EveryPsalm. They have graciously allowed us to use their beautiful music for our podcast.

Go Deeper into the Psalms

There are a lot of great books about the Psalms, so if you're interested in learning more, here are some resources that have influenced this podcast.